Way to Health - Santhigram US

Santhigram US

methods for total body rejuvenation offered by Santhigram


How we make the difference at Santhigram

Why should I consult an Ayurvedic practitioner at Santhigram?

Santhigram is committed to spreading the goodness of Ayurveda. Our journey starts with a thorough personal assessment to comprehend your body type, history, diet, lifestyle, and current health concerns. We guide you on the benefits of an Ayurvedic lifestyle and target the underlying causes of your health issues. Our holistic therapies aim to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit, enriching your overall quality of life and well-being. We prioritize your well-being and deliver unparalleled care and personalized attention for all your health concerns.

Where can I get authentic Ayurvedic products ?

At Santhigram, we take pride in offering authentic Ayurvedic products, including a diverse range of classical remedies such as oils, Arishtam, Asavam, Choornam, Ghruthams, Kashayam, Kwath, Tablets, Lehyam, as well as modern supplements that blend ancient wisdom with modern science for enhanced efficacy. Our ingredients are sourced from the pristine landscapes of Kerala and manufactured in our GMP-certified facility, undergoing rigorous testing for heavy metals and pesticides to ensure the safety and authenticity of our Ayurvedic products.

What are the therapies Santhigram Offer?

At Santhigram, we offer specialized Ayurveda and Panchakarma therapies to manage various chronic conditions, including digestive disorders, musculoskeletal pain, chronic respiratory and skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, stress-related disorders, chronic fatigue, fertility issues, and many more. Our Ayurveda experts will assess your health status and create personalized plans to address your specific needs and concerns. Our team of experts specializes in authentic Kerala Panchakarma procedures that will be customized for whole-body detoxification and rejuvenation. Our therapies use an integrative approach that combines Ayurveda and yoga to enhance whole-person wellness and prevent diseases.

Why Santhigram focuses on dietary and lifestyle patterns?

At Santhigram, we prioritize on diet and lifestyle modifications that perfectly align with your Prakriti and the seasonal rhythms to promote wellness. According to Ayurveda, consuming fresh, wholesome foods and adhering to a healthy daily routine can lead to heightened energy, increased vitality, and improved sleep patterns. Ayurvedic principles are grounded in the idea that proper nourishment and a balanced lifestyle can enhance our body's innate ability to heal and delay the onset of diseases, promoting longevity. Focusing on diet and lifestyle empowers individuals to take charge of their well-being for sustainable health and wellness.

How does Santhigram ensure the continuity of care for its clients?

At Santhigram, we believe that health and wellness is an ongoing journey, not just a destination, and we are devoted to guiding you every step of the way. Our goal is not just to address short-term health concerns but to promote long-term wellness. Through regular follow-up sessions, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, try to identify challenges that may arise, and make timely adjustments to your therapies or lifestyle, leading to better overall outcomes. Our follow-up sessions help you stay accountable to your health goals and the continuous support and feedback encourage you to stay committed to your wellness plan. By identifying potential issues early on, we can take proactive steps to maintain your well-being and prevent future health problems.


Prakriti is one of the earliest known concepts of preventive and personalized medicine. Ayurveda recognizes the uniqueness of every individual and can guide you towards a healthier you. Personalized care, embedded in Ayurveda, is woven around the heuristic concept of Prakriti based on Tridosha theory. All the three doshas are present in every individual, but the ratio differs between individuals. Prakriti refers to the unique constitution of an individual resulting from a combination of the three doshas that gets expressed as distinct physical, physiological, and behavioural traits. Health and well-being in Ayurveda are perceived as the ability to balance the three doshas and any imbalance could result in a diseased state.

Prakriti can be determined by using a specially designed questionnaire that evaluates the psycho-somatic characteristics of an individual. Prakriti analysis is the key for diagnosis and customization of treatment in Ayurvedic practice. This means that the same treatment may not be effective for everyone and needs to be tailored according to individual needs. Prakriti has the power to predict the predisposition to certain diseases. Knowledge and awareness of individual Prakriti helps to make informed choices for optimal health and peak performance. Above all, Prakriti serves as a code for healthy living

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